Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

I do not seek perfection - I seek adventures

I do not seek perfection, neither do I ever reach this point. There is only one thing I have to admit, and this is the fact that I am so perfectly imperfect.

Perfection is overrated anyway.

Just imagine how monotonous your life would be without the adventure of a learning process
Wouldn't it be boring to be good in everything right from the start?
I want to find out things on my own, I want to look for the answers and find them in the most unexpected moment.

Where is the excitement you feel when you first try to do something? Where is the passion and devotion for your actions , when you actually don't have to put all your heart, all your effort into it, cause everything seems so easy? 

Human beings lose their interests in those kind of things because they seek challenges and excitement. It is simply their nature behavior
I do not seek perfection! 

I seek passion, devotion and goodwill!
I seek adventures. 

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