This is the worst break up saying ever, because in 99% having a break is the same as actually breaking up - it is just a coward ending of a relationship that should actually have a meaning.
Apparently it didn't mean anything to you right from the beginning, otherwise you would have be brave and honest and end it with class.
Ich brauche eine Beziehungspause...
Das ist einfach das Schlimmste, was man sagen kann, denn in 99% der Fälle bedeutet das einfach, dass man Schluss machen will. Es ist nur eine sehr feige Art und Weise eine Beziehung zu beenden, die einem doch eigentlich etwas bedeutet hat.
Offensichtlich hat es dir von Anfang an rein gar nichts bedeutet, denn sonst wärst du mutig genug und ehrlich gewesen, die Beziehung mit Würde zu beenden.
Donnerstag, 28. März 2013
Mittwoch, 27. März 2013
Finally the sun is shining again :P Well, it is still freaking cold outside but I feel like this is a good start
Endlich Sonne!
Dienstag, 26. März 2013
Red for love, equality and justice! |
Red for love, equality and justice ! I support marriage equality because love should not be privileged.
Love is way too beautiful to let it be overshadowed by hate!
Rot steht für Liebe, Gleichberechtigung und Gerechtigkeit! Ich unterstütze die Gleichstellung bei der Ehe, denn Liebe sollte kein Privileg sein!
Sie ist viel zu schön um sie mit Hass zu überschatten!
Sie ist viel zu schön um sie mit Hass zu überschatten!
Recipe: Almost vegetarian
I created a recipe for a lunch meal which is perfect for three persons: Here we go
Ingredients/Zutaten (3 Personen)
- green lettuce/ grüner Salat
- 2 field garlic stems/ Lauch
- 200gr turkey/ Putenbrust
- 6 mushrooms/ Pilze
- 3 carrots/ Karotten
- 0,5 zuchhini
- 1 egg/ Ei
- chili
How to do it/ So wird's gemacht:
1) You need to wash the vegetables
and the green lettuce.
Gemüse und Salat bitte gründlich waschen.
2) Sear the hashed field garlic in water and spice it up with some chili.
Brate die zerkleinerten Lauchstangen in Wasser an würze sie mit etwas Chili.
3) Put all the vegetables (mushrooms/carrots/zucchini/field garlic) in a food processor
on the most wispy adjustment. So now you have many little
vegetable pieces.
Zerreibe das komplette Gemüse in einer Küchenmaschine,
wobei du die feinste Einstellung benutzt.
4) Mix up the vegetables in a big bowl and add the egg,
a little bit salt and pepper. Also add your
hushed turkey. Now it is necessary that
you knead everything carefully.
Vermenge nun das Gemüse mit einem Ei,etwas Salz
und Pfeffer in einergroßen Schüssel. Füge auch deine
Pute in kleinen Stückchen hinzu.
Nun ist es wichtig, alles kräftig durchzukneten.
5) Finally it is time to fry everything in a pan for about 6 minutes.
Brate nun alles in einer Pfanne an (etwa 6 Minuten lang)
You got the look/ So wirds angerichtet:
You need about 3 big lettuce leaves which you will arrange like
I did on the picture. Then add your fried vegetables
with meat gently on them.
Richte dein Gemüse mit Fleisch auf 3 großen Salatblättern an,
wie ich es auf dem Bild oben getan habe.
This was my lunch and I have to say: I am full :P Healthy and delicious.
Just sear some hashed vegetables (I chose paprika, field garlic and zucchini) and then add 70gr feta cheese on top of it!
Montag, 25. März 2013
Montag, 18. März 2013
Just the way I feel about you
All meine Gefühle, ich kann weder atmen noch sprechen! Also schreibe ich sie nieder, in der Hoffnung dass du sie eines Tages ließt und realisierst dass du es bist, die ich von ganzem Herzen liebe <3
Mittwoch, 13. März 2013
Autumn walk - my impressions
For high quality pictures visit >>>> my second blog on tumblr: <<<<
I took a couple of photos during my walk last fall… :))
It was so peaceful and beautiful, I still remember the feeling I had.
It was so peaceful and beautiful, I still remember the feeling I had.
There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance
The biggest weakness of a human being is honesty.
They all pretend just to fit into a group which doesn't even accept you for who you are but only tolerates you cause you don't disagree...
Die größte Schwäche der Menschen ist Ehrlichkeit.
Alle tun sie so als würden sie einer Gruppe angehören, die sie nicht einmal so akzeptieren wie sie sind sondern lediglich tolerieren, weil sie nicht wiedersprechen...
They all pretend just to fit into a group which doesn't even accept you for who you are but only tolerates you cause you don't disagree...
Die größte Schwäche der Menschen ist Ehrlichkeit.
Alle tun sie so als würden sie einer Gruppe angehören, die sie nicht einmal so akzeptieren wie sie sind sondern lediglich tolerieren, weil sie nicht wiedersprechen...
Sonntag, 10. März 2013
Why stop dreaming?
A dream is something
which belongs to you. No one can take it away from you, no one can
keep you from dreaming except yourself. So, dare to dream and even if it will be a dream forever it is still a wonderful feeling to imagine how it could be.
Most of the time, a dream is the start of something new – the start
of finally being able to achieve all you ever wanted.
I start dreaming now, do you?
Boat trip (Italy, Sardinia 2012) |
Warum sollte man aufhören zu träumen? Ein Traum ist etwas, das nur DIR gehört. Niemand kann ihn dir wegnehmen, niemand kann dich vom träumen abhalten außer du selbst! Also, wage es zu träumen und selbst wenn es für immer ein Traum bleiben wird, so ist es doch ein wundervollen Gefühl sich vorzustellen, wie es hätte sein können! Meistens ist ein Traum der Anfang von etwas Neuem, der Anfang davon, endlich dazu im Stande zu sein, all das zu erreichen, was du immer schon erreichen wolltest.
Ich fange JETZT an zu träumen, du auch?
Breakfast at Cafe Palaver
Having breakfast at #CafePalaver was the best part of today *______*
I chose the "Power for two":
- 2 orange juices
- 2 eggs
- bread and 2 croissants
- jam
- ham
- cheese
- butter
- curd with fruits
Additionally I ordered a delicious fruity tea!
- 2 eggs
- bread and 2 croissants
- jam
- ham
- cheese
- butter
- curd with fruits
Additionally I ordered a delicious fruity tea!
A wonderful breakfast for two persons.
All in all, we ordered the "Power for two" meal, one cup of tea and a hot chocolate and paid 21,10 €.
All in all, we ordered the "Power for two" meal, one cup of tea and a hot chocolate and paid 21,10 €.
Freitag, 8. März 2013
International Woman's Day - Let's take a look at reality
Woman weren't always treated equally. It took a long road for them to gain their rights they have now. But still we have to know, that woman are not respected as an equal individual everywhere.
100 years ago a woman was forced in her role as being a mother, raising up the children and doing the chores. She wasn't seen as an individual but as a person who has to do what her husband tells her to whether she shares his opinion or not.
Discrimination and Inequality still exists!
- Woman Suffrage:
People from America or Europe may be thinking, well of course women can vote or run for office. I am sorry to disappoint you but there is still a lot of inequality when it comes to this.
Even when you think about Germany, women achieved their woman suffrage in 1919, which is less than 100 years ago.
When you look at Kuwait (Asia) the Women's suffrage was achieved in 2005, so women are allowed to vote or run for office only for 8 years ago!
In Saudi Arabia women were still not given the right to vote or ruin for office!
- Wage gap:
The wage gap between men and women is still a problem, also in Europe. Just look at this diagram I found.
![]() |
source: |
- Right to physical integrity:
Women are still forced to get married, they get raped, they get murdered duo "honor" (honor killing) in several cultures. I am shocked about the fact that there are still countries in which marital rape is not taken seriously! And it is not even a long time ago where this cruel crime was LEGAL! Untill 1997 marital rape was not a crime in Germany.
Untill 1976 marital rape was legal in every single state in the United States of America.
In India there is no law which says that marital rape is illegal yet.
"A man has been discharged by a Delhi court of charges of raping his wife on the ground that having sexual relation with his spouse, even forcibly, does not amount to "marital rape. District Judge JR Aryan let off accused Hazi Ahmed Saeed, agreeing with his counsel's submission that the Indian Penal Code does not recognise any concept of "marital rape."
Islam: Woman are less worth than men according to their rights
- They don't have the same job opportunities- They can't just get divorced , they need the permission of the husband
- Men are allowed to beat their wifes or rape them
- In several Islamic countries there is no or only a mild punishment for Honor killings.
It is about time to protect women all over the world. We may be protected in America and Europe by law when it comes to physical and mental harm but we are still not equal by law when we look at financial issues.
Take a stand and help women achieving EQUALITY, RESPECT and PROTECTION!
Donnerstag, 7. März 2013
Corn salad variations / Feldsalat in allen Variationen
I have to confess: I am addicted to corn salad!
On the photo above you can see my variation, which is, let's say, a little bit "richer in calories" than the one on the second photo.
- 150 gram field salad/ Feldsalat
- 2 or 3 cocktail tomatoes/ Cocktailtomaten
- 4 mushrooms/ Pilze
- pumpkin seed/ Kürbiskerne
- pumpkin seed/ Kürbiskerne
- pumpkin seed oil/ Kürbiskernöl
- (sesame oil)/ Sesamöl
- (sesame oil)/ Sesamöl
- sunflower oil/ Sonnenblumenöl
Well, I don't have to say that you need to wash the vegetables before slicing them into pieces (like you see in the photo). To braise the mushrooms and the seeds I chose the pumpkin oil (A delicious alternative can be sesame oil).
The salad dressing consists of vinegar, sunflower oil, salt and pepper.
Zum Anbraten der Pilze und Kürbiskerne habe ich ein Kürbiskernöl verwendet. Als Alternative wäre auch ein Sesamöl möglich.
Das Dressing hingegen bestand aus Sonnenblumenöl, Essig, Salz und Pfeffer.
- 150 gram field salad/ Feldsalat
- other lettuce (if you want to)/ diverser anderer Salat (falls erwünscht)
- 0,5 paprika / Paprika
- sunflower oil/ Sonnenblumenöl
- 50 gram feta cheese/Schafskäse
- 50 gram feta cheese/Schafskäse
This salad is not really hard to prepare. The dressing is like the dressing I have used for the other salad.
Dieser Salat wird mit demselben Salat angemacht wie der Salat auf dem ersten Bild.
Mittwoch, 6. März 2013
Sunset : Beauty is everywhere
Beauty is everywhere, even when the sun goes down there is so much love and warmth.
Natur pur <3
11/9/12 |
autumn 2012 |
Schönheit ist überall, selbst wenn die Sonne untergeht gibt es so viel Liebe und Wärme zu entdecken.
Herbst 2012 |
Pure nature <3
I always feel so free while looking at this photo.
Natur pur <3
Dieses Foto löst in mir immer ein Gefühl der Freiheit aus.
9.11.12 |
The big picture - Das große Ganze
Dusk during my walk |
Reading a person is like reading a book - it is full of surprises when you are open to look deeper. You can't just read the last page and think you know everything - you need to read the whole book to understand its motives and the actions of the central character. When you only focus on the last page you judge the book by only knowing a very small part of the big picture.
Concentrate on all the interesting happenings in between - dare to look at the big picture.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Eine Person zu verstehen ist als lese man ein Buch - man erlebt so viele Überraschungen, wenn man offen ist, darauf einzugehen. Du kannst nicht einfach die letzte Seite lesen und denken, nun wüsstest du alles - du musst das ganze Buch lesen um all die Motive und Handlungen der Hauptperson zu verstehen. Konzentrierst dz dich nur auf die letzte Seite, beurteilst du das Buch, obwohl du doch nur einen kleinen Teil des großen Ganzen kennst.
Richte dein Augenmerk auch auf all die interessanten Dinge, die dawzischen passieren - wage es, das große Ganze zu betrachten.
Dienstag, 5. März 2013
winter magic - unforgettable moments
I take a stand against bullying / Gib Mobbing keine Chance
I will never understand why people harm one another. Life shouldn't be a war for anyone. So I have a message for everyone: Stop all the hate! We call ourselves human beings but some people should feel ashamed of calling themselves a human when they act like cruel animals.
Ich werde nie verstehen warum Menschen sich gegenseitig schaden und verletzen. Das Leben sollte kein Krieg sein - für NIEMANDEN. Diese Nachricht ist an jeden da draußen: Hört auf mit all dem Hass!
Wir nennen uns selbst Menschen doch manche "Menschen" sollten sich schämen, sich als Menschen zu bezeichnen, wenn sie sich doch wie blutrünstige Tiere verhalten.
Ich werde nie verstehen warum Menschen sich gegenseitig schaden und verletzen. Das Leben sollte kein Krieg sein - für NIEMANDEN. Diese Nachricht ist an jeden da draußen: Hört auf mit all dem Hass!
Wir nennen uns selbst Menschen doch manche "Menschen" sollten sich schämen, sich als Menschen zu bezeichnen, wenn sie sich doch wie blutrünstige Tiere verhalten.
Recipe: Neither fish nor meat ♥ (bilingual)
This is my favorite lunch meal by far!
It was one of these days where I wanted to eat something healthy but also something special and interesting. So I looked into my fridge and created my "Neither Fish Nor Meat Salad". I asked myself "Fish or Meat?" My answer was clear: "What about both!"
- green lettuce/ grüner Salat
- 4 mushrooms/ Pilze
- 1 paprika/ Paprika
- 50 gram ham/ Schinken
- 60 gram salmon/ Lachs
- pumpkin seed oil/ Kürbiskernöl
- sunflower oil/ Sonnenblumenöl
How to do it/ So wird's gemacht:
1) You need to wash the vegetables
and the green lettuce.
Gemüse und Salat bitte gründlich
2) Slice the paprika in little pieces.
Schneide die Paprika in kleine
3) Lightly braise the mushrooms and
the ham in oil, which gives a special
aroma to your ingredients.
( I chose pumpkin seed oil)
Brate sowohl Pilze als auch
Schinken kurz in Kürbiskernöl an.
Spice up your salad / So wird's angerichtet:
Now you need to arrange the lettuce on a cutting board and dress the salad with sunflower oil, vinegar, pepper and a little bit salt.
Add the ham and the paprika on top. You can put the mushrooms and the salmon around the lettuce.
Add the ham and the paprika on top. You can put the mushrooms and the salmon around the lettuce.
Nun muss nur noch der Salat auf einem Brettchen angerichtet und mit Sonnenblumenöl, Essig, etwas Pfeffer und einer Prise Salz angemacht werden. Der Schinken wird ebenfalls angebracht und die Paprikastückchen locker über dem Salat verteilt. Der Lachs wickelt sich so zu sagen um den Salat herum. Auch die Pilze können nun an der Seite angebracht werden.
Montag, 4. März 2013
My holiday trip to Crete - Knossos
While reading "Die sieben Weltwunder" by Johannes Thiele, which is a very interesting book by the way, I got immediately reminded of the "Palace of Knossos". During my summer holiday which I spent with two of my friends, we all agreed in one point: If you are in Crete, go and visit the ruins - it is a must-do. And exactly these breathtaking ruins were one of our day trips.
You can not only visit the Palace itself but also the ruins of the sacrificial altars and the food storage. During the guidance you will get to know that the culture of Minoans was very popular for its trade relations. It is also worth mentioning, that they already had their own underground pipelines, which included water pipes and a very "modern toilet system".
Journalists and also people over 65 which are citizens of a member state of the European Union you have free access too.
For additional information, you should visit the website:
At the end of the day I spent about 13€ , including the bus tickets, the admission card and the tour ticket, which was presented in my mother tongue (German). But just so you know, I would take a lot of water with me, because although it is very interesting, it takes time to see every single part of this huge area. In addition, it is very hot, so put on a hat.
Fortunately, it is very easy and also cheap to visit the ruins. Just take the urban bus 2 at the bus station in Iraklion and stay in there till the end of the line "Knossos", which is right in front of the entry. The bus is driving twice or even thrice each hour. Unfortunately, I am not sure, how much I paid, but it was about 3€, which included the way back as well.Palace of Knossos - the ruins:
The ancient place is located only a few kilometers apart from the capitol of Crete, Iraklio (Greece), which has been civilized by the Minoans. Also, the well known legend of the "myth of the labyrinth and the Minotaur" is connected to this stunning palace of king Minos. Actually, the visitors can see the replica of the "Palace of Knossos" and ruins of several buildings of town. You have to know that the palace was destroyed by an earth quake, so the Minoan civilization decided to build it up again at the same place but much bigger and magnificent. Unfortunately, the "Palace of Knossos" was destroyed a second time they rebuild it. But after a complete destruction of the second rebuilding they decided to neither use nor rebuild the palace again. After a huge period of time, in 1878, Minos Kalokairinos discovered this place again. In 1900, Sir Arthur Evan started his archeological excavations.You can not only visit the Palace itself but also the ruins of the sacrificial altars and the food storage. During the guidance you will get to know that the culture of Minoans was very popular for its trade relations. It is also worth mentioning, that they already had their own underground pipelines, which included water pipes and a very "modern toilet system".
This is my favorite picture I took so I wanted to share it with you guys.
In generally you have to pay 6€ each, reduced tickets cost 3€.1) Free admission
You are given free admission, when you are under 18. The person at the ticket station asked me about my age and I was already 18 but I was given free access anyway. (They are really nice!)Journalists and also people over 65 which are citizens of a member state of the European Union you have free access too.
2) Guidance
I highly recommend a guidance tour to everyone. Firstly, there are several tours in several languages. Additionally, it is definitely worth it paying some extra money for the tour tickets (10€ / reduced ticket 5 €) because you would be a little bit lost without a guidance, as the place is very large. Although I think, some background information just make this wonderful ruin even more impressive. I think the guidance last for about 2 1/2 hours.For additional information, you should visit the website:
If you EVER go to Crete you REALLY SHOULD visit the "palace of Knossos" ! It was breathtaking and so interesting! Believe me, IT IS WORTH IT :)At the end of the day I spent about 13€ , including the bus tickets, the admission card and the tour ticket, which was presented in my mother tongue (German). But just so you know, I would take a lot of water with me, because although it is very interesting, it takes time to see every single part of this huge area. In addition, it is very hot, so put on a hat.
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